Results for 'Marl L. Latash'

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  1.  16
    Direct pattern-imposing control or dynamic regulation?Marl L. Latash - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):226-227.
  2. Are we able to preserve a motor command in the changing environment?Mark L. Latash - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):771-773.
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    Mirror writing: Adults making a-non-b errors?Mark L. Latash - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):46-46.
    Errors and episodes of “freezing” seen during mirror writing by adults can be incorporated into the model suggested in Thelen et al.'s target article This requires assigning an important role to internal inverse models stored in memory. The strongly anti-dualism position of Thelen et al.'s leaves little room for the Bernsteinian notion of activity.
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    What are “normal movements” in atypical populations?Mark L. Latash & J. Greg Anson - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):55-68.
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    Coordination, grammar, and spasticity.Mark L. Latash - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (4):612-612.
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    Computational ideas developed within the control theory have limited relevance to control processes in living systems.Mark L. Latash & Anatol G. Feldman - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (3):409-409.
    Exclusively focused on data that are consistent with the proposed ideas, the target article misses an opportunity to review data that are inconsistent with them. Weaknesses of the emulation theory become especially evident when one tries to incorporate physiologically realistic muscle and reflex mechanisms into it. In particular, it fails to resolve the basic posture-movement controversy.
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    Does controlling movement require intelligence?Mark L. Latash & J. Greg Anson - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):533-536.
    Motor control schemes should have an element of control and an element of coordination. The former is a source of initiative and a zroduct of the brain's work (mind, intelligence, or ) while the latter can be viewed as a process with constraints emerging at a hierarchically lower, autonomous level. Limiting scientific analysis to an object smaller than the universe necessarily leads to a hierarchical (cybernetic) approach.
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    Equilibrium-point control? Yes! Deterministic mechanisms of control? No!Mark L. Latash - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):765-766.
    The equilibrium-point hypothesis (the λ-model) is superior to all other models of single-joint control and provides deep insights into the mechanisms of control of multi-joint movements. Attempts at associating control variables with neurophysiological variables look confusing rather than promising. Probabilistic mechanisms may play an important role in movement generation in redundant systems.
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    Flawed kinematic models cannot provide insight into the nature of motor variability.Mark L. Latash & Gregor Schöner - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):314-315.
    Plamondon & Alimi's derivation of the kinematic model is mathematically flawed. By simply naming a particular parameter combination the model fails to explicate the sources of variability. As a result, the model cannot distinguish between various sources of error, such as those resulting from task demands and those resulting from movement execution.
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    The notions of joint stiffness and synaptic plasticity in motor memory.Lev P. Latash & Mark L. Latash - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):465-466.
    We criticize the synaptic theory of long-term memory and the inappropriate usage of physical notions such as in motor control theories. Motor control and motor memory hypotheses should be based on explicitly specified hypothetical control variables that are sound from both physiological and physical perspectives. [HOUK et al.; SMITH; THACH].
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    Toward peaceful coexistence of adaptive central strategies and medical professionals.J. Greg Anson & Mark L. Latash - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):94-106.
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    Lequel suis-je?: variations sur l'identité.Marlène Zarader - 2015 - Paris: Éditions les Belles lettres.
    English summary: This book centers on paradoxical identities highlighted in literature and film. The underlying idea is that all identities are divided between the life and death aspects of our existence. Reading identities against the grain helps us to better understand this conflict that often goes unseen. French description: L'interrogation Qui suis-je? fait de l'identite une question. Sa conjugaison sous la forme Lequel suis-je? suggere la possibilite d'une identite plurielle. Ce livre est consacre aux identites paradoxales, telles que nous les (...)
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  13. Bultmann et l'interprétation du Nouveau Testament.René Marlé - 1956 - [Paris]: Aubier.
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    Heidegger et les paroles de l'origine.Marlène Zarader - 1986 - Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin.
    Phusis, Aletheia, Khreon, Moira, Logos: tels sont les Grundworte, ces paroles fondamentales qui inaugurerent notre destin, et dont Heidegger devoile le double statut: ouvrant le commencement, elles abritent l'origine; donnant le branle a l'histoire manifeste de la pensee, elles restent en meme temps porteuses de son versant secret, et toujours oublie. C'est ce versant secret qui est ici explore, faisant de ce livre la patiente reconstitution du texte de l'origine. Texte essentiel, puisque ce n'est que lorsqu'il est retabli que notre (...)
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    Commentary on Mark L. Latash and J. Greg Anson (1996). What are “normal movements” in atypical populations? BBS 19: 55–106. [REVIEW]Christiansen Gardner Press - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20:3.
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  16. La théologie aux prises avec l'historiographie.H. -J. Gagey & J. -L. Souletie - 1995 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 83 (4):557-583.
    Les principaux problèmes que Bultmann a posés au plan de l’exégèse historique des textes évangéliques étaient commandés par des positions théologiques et continuent pour ce motif à interroger les théologiens catholiques, qui parfois le rejettent dans le camp tantôt du scientisme tantôt du dogmatisme.Contre la théologie libérale des « vies de Jésus », il élève une double protestation, d’ordre christologique : il revendique le caractère historique de la foi chrétienne, et historique : il prend au sérieux la visée eschatologique de (...)
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  17. René Marlé et la théologie pratique.J. Joncheray - 1995 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 83 (4):521-532.
    L’expression de « théologie pratique » donne une clé de l’interprétation que faisait René Marlé de sa propre pratique de la théologie, telle qu’il l’a mise en œuvre notamment à l’Institut Supérieur de Pastorale Catéchétique de Paris et dans ses inlassables contributions au mouvement catéchétique. C’est aussi un clé de l’unité de sa vie de croyant, de savant et de formateur.Articulée sur une approche herméneutique, confrontée aux rationalités modernes d’un côté, et sur une analyse des pratiques, familière des sciences humaines (...)
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  18. Journée clermontoise. L'humanisme en question : une anthropodicée est-elle possible? / Jean-Baptiste Létang ; La folie entre absence, négativité et altérité / Marlène Morel ; Le Bien comme principe totalisant dans l'expérience de l'âme chez Plotin / William Néria; La volonté d'être l'Unique en face du Tout / Claude Brunier-Coulin ; L'Âtman/Brahman ou la possibilité de la Totalité dans le non-dualisme de Śaṅkara.William Néria - 2016 - In Claude Brunier-Coulin (ed.), Institutions et destitutions de la totalité: explorations de l'oeuvre de Christian Godin: actes du colloque des 24-25-26 septembre 2015, Clermont-Ferrand, Université Blaise Pascal, Paris, Université Paris Descartes. Paris: Orizons.
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    Paul Tillich, Le courage d'être. Traduction de l'anglais et avant-propos de Fernand Chapey. Préface de René Marlé, Coll. « Livre de Vie », Paris, Casterman, 1967 , 192 pages. [REVIEW]Roger Ebacher - 1972 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 28 (2):198.
  20. Quel sens cela a-t-il de parler de Dieu? S'agit-il de libérer une possibilité nouvelle de parler de Dieu?P. Corset - 1995 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 83 (4):607-620.
    À la suite d’Ebeling, René Marlé s’était intéressé à cette question centrale de Bultmann « Quel sens cela a-t-il de parler de Dieu ? », au point d’en tirer le titre de son ouvrage sur Ebeling, Parler de Dieu aujourd’hui. La question ne porte pas sur le sens du mot Dieu ni sur la connaissance de Dieu, mais sur le sens du parler de Dieu : elle se situe donc sur le terrain de l’herméneutique , celui de l’analyse du langage.« (...)
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  21. Rudolf Bultmann, illustration d'un destin protestant?Pierre Gisel - 1995 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 83 (4):585-606.
    Bultmann a-t-il été en partie victime d’une certaine « logique du protestantisme » ? R. Marlé a posé la question. Un théologien protestant peut être d’accord pour le fond avec la critique catholique, mais en la reprenant dans un esprit différent qui fera valoir la particula veri propre à Bultmann. On passera en revue à cet effet les quatre principaux griefs qui lui sont adressés.a) Réduction, au profit de la foi, de l’objectivité de l’historique et de celle du monde. — (...)
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    On the hermeneutic experience or about other posibility to build knowledge.Elvia María González Agudelo - 2011 - Discusiones Filosóficas 12 (18):125 - 143.
    La experi enci a hermenéut i ca t raduceuna vivencia para realizar un proceso deinvestigación que conlleva la formacióndel ser. La experiencia hermenéutica sevive mediante el proceso, la estructuray e l p r o c e d i mi e n t o . E l p r o c e s o s edesarrolla a través de los prejuicios, lareflexión, el análisis, la compresión, lainterpretación y la síntesis, los cualesinvaden el procedimiento y la estructura.El procedimiento contempla el problema,l a (...)
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  23. Filosofii︠a︡ istoriï: vid Polibii︠a︡ do L. Humylʹova.L. M. Dymytrova - 1997 - Kyïv: IZMN.
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    The science and politics of I.Q.L. J. Lj Kamin - 1974 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 41 (3):387.
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    Karam Yi Hyŏn-il: kyŏngse ŭi ttŭt ŭl p'umŭn k'ŭn sŏnbi.Pyŏng-gŏl An - 2007 - Kyŏngbuk Andong-si: Han'guk Kukhak Chinhŭngwŏn.
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  26. Writing Affect, Love, and Desire into Ethnography.L. L. Wynn - 2015 - In Kalpana Ram & Christopher Houston (eds.), Phenomenology in Anthropology: A Sense of Perspective. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
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    How the evaluability bias shapes transformative decisions.Yoonseo Zoh, L. A. Paul & M. J. Crockett - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2):1-22.
    Our paper contributes to the rapidly expanding body of experimental research on transformative decision making, and in the process, marks out a novel empirical interpretation for assessments of subjective value in transformative contexts. We start with a discussion of the role of subjective value in transformative decisions, and then critique extant experimental work that explores this role, with special attention to Reuter and Messerli (2018). We argue that current empirical treatments miss a crucial feature of practical deliberation manifesting across a (...)
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  28. A Commentary on Kant's Critique of Practical Reason.L. W. BECK - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):438-439.
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  29. Bodily Relational Autonomy.L. Kall & K. Zeiler - 2014 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 21 (9-10):100-120.
    Conceptions of autonomy in western philosophy and ethics have often centred on self-governance and self-determination. However, a growing bulk of literature also questions such conceptions, including the understanding of the autonomous self as a self-governing independent individual that chooses, acts, and lives in accordance with her or his own values, norms, or sense of self. This article contributes to the critical interrogation of selfhood, autonomy, and autonomous decision making by combining a feminist focus on relational dimensions of selfhood and autonomy (...)
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  30. Visual cognition and cognitive modeling.L. Magnani, S. Civita & G. Previde Massara - 1994 - In V. Cantoni (ed.), Human and Machine Vision: Analogies and Divergences. Plenum Publishers. pp. 229--243.
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    PET 6-[18F]fluoro-L-m-tyrosine studies of dopaminergic function in human and nonhuman primates.Jamie L. Eberling - 2008 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 1.
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    Manipulations of distractor frequency do not mitigate emotion-induced blindness.Jenna L. Zhao & Steven B. Most - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (3):442-451.
    ABSTRACTEmotional distractors can impair perception of subsequently presented targets, a phenomenon called emotion-induced blindness. Do emotional distractors lose their power to disrupt perception when appearing with increased frequency, perhaps due to desensitisation or enhanced recruitment of proactive control? Non-emotional tasks, such as the Stroop, have revealed that high frequency distractors or conflict lead to reduced interference, and distractor frequency appears to modulate attentional capture by emotional distractors in spatial attention tasks. But emotion-induced blindness is thought to reflect perceptual competition between (...)
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  33. Shri swaminarayan and the path of devotion.L. K. Aravkar - 1981 - In Sahajānanda (ed.), New dimensions in Vedanta philosophy. Ahmedabad: Bochasanwasi Shri Aksharpurushottam Sanstha. pp. 1.
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  34. Giuseppina D'Oro: Collingwood and the Metaphysics of Experience.L. Armour - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (4):730-734.
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    " Cost accounting of safeguards in life equivalents" is a better title.L. E. Arnold - 1992 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 3 (3):246.
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  36. Context value modulates levels of response recovery after random control training.L. Aronson, Pd Balsam & J. Gibbon - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):486-486.
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  37. Bilgi otobanında nihilizm: günümüz çağında anonimlik karşısında bağlılık (EG Atıcı, Çev.).H. L. Dreyfus - 2002 - Cogito 30:100-118.
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  38. JONATHAN St. BT EVANS (University of Plymouth) The mental model theory of conditional reasoning: critical appraisal and revision, l-20.Jeffrey L. Elman, Francesca Ge Happe, Richard D. Platt & Richard A. Griggs - 1993 - Cognition 48:30-5.
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  39. Slavery and Religion in Late Antiquity: Their Relation to Asceticism and Justice in Christianity and Judaism, in: Slavery in the Late Antique World, 150–700 CE., ed. Chris L. De Wet, Maijastina Kahlos, and Ville Vuolanto, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - forthcoming - In Christian De Wet (ed.), Slavery in the Late Antique World.
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  40. The monophysite angelology of John Philoponus.L. S. B. MacCoull - 1995 - Byzantion 65 (2):388-395.
    Jean Philiponus s'est toujours opposé à la notion nestorienne des anges servant les hommes à la place de Dieu. Jean Philiponus s'inscrit dans le courant égyptien critique de la fin du VIe siècle de certains récits apocryphes des anges dans l'univers primitif. L'argumentation de Philoponus est anti-dyophysite. Il s'attache à démontrer que l'univers que nous percevons est peuplé d'entités non corporelles puissantes, au service de Dieu et dont le rôle est de faire passer des messages aux êtres humains. Ces entités (...)
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    André Comte-Sponville.François L'Yvonnet & André Comte-Sponville (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: Éditions de l'Herne.
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    Individuals’ Perceptions of the Legitimacy of Emerging Market Multinationals: Ethical Foundations and Construct Validation.Jianhong Zhang, David L. Deephouse, Désirée van Gorp & Haico Ebbers - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (4):801-825.
    Entry of new organizations, including multinational enterprises from emerging markets, raises the ethical question of will they benefit society. The concept of legitimacy answers this question because it is the overall assessment of the appropriateness of organizational ends and means. Moreover, gaining legitimacy enables EMNEs to succeed in new host countries. Past work examined collective level indicators of the legitimacy of MNEs, but recent research recognizes the importance of individuals’ perceptions as the micro-foundation of legitimacy. This study first uses new (...)
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  43. Necessary Truth a Book of Readings.L. W. Sumner & John Hayden Woods - 1969 - Random House.
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    The Secret Chain: Justice and Self-Interest in Montesquieu's Persian Letters.L. A. Swaine - 2001 - History of Political Thought 22 (1):84-105.
    Montesquieu's Persian Letters has long been thought to conceal a secret chain uniting the various letters which comprise the work. An examination of the historical context of the Persian Letters, the characters' remarks on justice and self- interest, and the important literary techniques that Montesquieu employs, helps to bring the secret chain to light. The work's letters are written and sequenced to show how self-interest can overawe justice, emphasizing the need for fair and reasonable third party involvement in order to (...)
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  45.  15
    A Complexity Science View of Conflict.L. Deborah Sword - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 10 (4).
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    Brain-injured persons in an altered state of consciousness: Measures and intervention strategies.L. R. Talbot & H. A. Whitaker - 1994 - Brain Injury 8:689-99.
  47. Spotlight on morality: the Lebron James decision.L. L. C. Tangient - 2019 - In Marty Gitlin (ed.), Athletes, ethics, and morality. New York: Greenhaven Publishing.
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  48. in Databases* t.L. Tatjana & I. Boris - forthcoming - Studia Logica.
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    Acknowledging humanist women.L. Bullough Vern - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23 (4).
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  50. Birth control and religious views.L. Bullough Vern - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23 (2).
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